isendu Ideas

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PUDO selection at checkout
In progress
Customers will be able to select their nearest pick-up point at checkout via a map.We are currently developing this functionality for Prestashop, Shopify and WooCommerce.
Partial order fulfilment
Feature request
It sometimes happens that we have to ship goods on account of delays in restocking. It would be useful to be able to ship only certain products of a certain order
Return page
Feature request
It would be convenient to have a return page where the customer can independently enter his order number and email and create his own return.
aggiungere buttone per importare ordini
Feature request
Under review
a volte ci vuole troppo tempo per vedere ordine su isendu, invece di attendere fare un richiamo manuale delle spedizioni nuovi.
Prezzo spedizione
Feature request
Under review
Aggiungere una colonna con il prezzo della spedizione in base al contratto, a volte ci sono spedizioni per zone remote che costano 4 volte la spedizione normale.
Instagram chat in conversations
Feature request
Under review
Changelog Ideas Roadmap